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Lonely Planet Hawaii This book is written by Sara Benson which is also the author of Lonely Planet. You can trust every word that this book tells. We promise that the travel information comes from the true adventure that are taken by the authors themselves. They have visit all the places that have been mentioned...

Fodor’s Around Paris with Kids Around Paris with Kids is a book about visiting Paris and has an introduction to 68 fun family activities which can...

Sweden’s largest Island is Gotland Island. It is also the largest island in the Baltic Sea and a very popular attraction for tourists. With an extensive...

When we set our minds to plan a travel in Europe, the first thing that comes into our mind is the budget. Eating in any of the expensive restaurant or...

When you are traveling, there are some tips that you should always keep in mind. And here I would like to conclude them into ten items. Item one: make...

Le Placide in Paris Le Placide Saint –Germain des Pres is a 4-star hotel, quite suitable for businessmen. This hotel is located about 1.5 kilometers...

Trianon Hotel- $54 It is neighborhood of the Amsterdam Oud Zuid, which closes to Stedelijk Museum, Van Gogh Museum and Concertgebouw. From this hotel you...

Want to be a national Geographic’s traveler and get know some world’s greatest trips? The book of Journeys of a Lifetime: 500 of the World’s...