Getting married, spending your honeymoon, or just taking a vacation at an exotic place is very romantic, and therefore, becomes more and more popular...

If you want to make your wedding celebration much simpler and more relaxing, you can take a minute and consider an all-inclusive wedding, which means...

Honeymoon is a very important celebration for new-married couples and should be spent smoothly and blissfully. If you are planning a honeymoon, then choosing...

  When it comes to the amusement park, the first country that come into our mind must be America, the birth place of Disney Land. We have the amusement...

In recent years, there is an increasing trend on adventure travel. People are just fed up with the traditional packed up tours, in which all the tourist...

When the holiday arrives, the first thing that come into our mind is where can we find the best place for a holiday vacation. And for most of the tourists,...

Although traveling is now very popular throughout the world, it is said that more than a century ago, people inclined to stay the place where they were...

China is an ancient country, with a long history and rich culture. Many cities, especially those major cities, such as Beijing, Xian, and Shanghai, all...

Quite often, travel can be divided into three major types: educational, vocational, and business travel. More and more people incline to relax themselves...

When you arrived in America, you will experience much different culture and run into so many different people. There are below some traveling tips for...